Resultados: 6

Elderly victims of violence: family assessment through the Calgary model

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 43 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the structure, development, and functionality of the family of the elderly victim of violence. Method: Descriptive research with a qualitative approach, based on the Calgary Family Assessment Model. Four elderly people who suffered violence and their family members wer...

Violence against the older adult: perceptions of the basic health care teams

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand how the professionals working in primary care teams perceive violence against the older adult. Method: a qualitative study, carried out from the conduction of four focus groups with a total of 30 basic care professionals, in the municipality of Marília, São Paulo. ...

Elder abuse: actions and suggestions by Primary Health Care professionals

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (supl.2), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the actions and suggestions of Primary Care professionals in relation to elder abuse. Method: this is a research with a qualitative approach based on the realization of focus groups with professionals from Primary Health Care in a city in the interior of São Paulo. The m...

Percepção do idoso acerca da violência vivida

Rev. baiana enferm; 34 (), 2020
Objetivo compreender a percepção dos idosos quanto à violência sofrida. Método estudo qualitativo, realizado na Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher de uma cidade do interior paulista. A coleta foi realizada no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2018, com 15 idosos. Os dados foram analisados por meio da ...

Violência sobre a pessoa idosa: um estudo documental

Rev Rene (Online); 20 (), 2019
Objetivo associar as características sociodemográficas de idosos vítimas de violência e dos agressores com os tipos de violência. Métodos trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico, retrospectivo, desenvolvido em uma Delegacia. Foram analisados 346 boletins de ocorrência, sendo que as análise...

Fluxograma descritor no atendimento à pessoa idosa vítima de violência: uma perspectiva interdisciplinar

Objective: To identify the flows of service for older people, victims of violence in different care services and to analyze the main critical issues. Method: This is a descriptive and exploratory study based on interviews with professionals responsible for: health services; judicial and social care, and...